Care L&D

About this course

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 states that ‘every employer who undertakes work which is liable to expose an employee to a substance hazardous to health shall provide that employee with suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training.’

We aim to support employers to meet their legislative duties as well as organisational requirements for them to limit risks and maintain safe working practices by ensuring their employees have the necessary knowledge to be competent and do their job properly and safely.

This COSHH training course provides suitable training for all levels of employees who work with, or may come into contact with, hazardous substances in the workplace. This includes, but is not limited to, people who work in professions such as cleaning, hairdressing, agriculture, vehicle repairing and painting etc.

Workers will be provided with the knowledge of the health risks surrounding work with hazardous substances, including how to undertake a COSHH assessment by identifying the risks and the control measures needed, and ensure that they understand how to work safely with hazardous substances.

What you’ll learn

a Understand the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.

a Describe what a Material Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is and the sections within it.

a Understand the long-term health issues related to working with chemicals.

a Understand the risk assessment process and the type of risk assessment for controlling chemicals (COSHH Assessment).

a Understand their role and responsibilities and the importance of using the correct PPE.


No entry requirements.


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